Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time
The HP (Hit Points) of team members. A member faints if its HP drops to zero. The
maximum HP may be boosted by leveling up or using certain items.
In the eld, “Others” lets you check game options and hints about being on an exploration
team. The Options commands allow you to change a variety of game settings. The complete
list of game settings is shown below. Change game options to suit your playing style.
Set the Touch screen for
“Use anywhere,” “Menu
only,” or “Off.”
Set the top screen to
display “Controls,”
“Team stats,” “Text log,”
or “Map and team.”
Set the bottom screen to
display “Shaded map,”
“Clear map,” or “No map.”
When “Off,” grid lines
are not displayed when
the Y Button is pressed.
Set the hero’s
traveling speed.
Choose “Look” if you want
to see the battles of your
team members when they
are far away from the hero.
Choose “Self” if you would
rather not look.
Choose “Yes” to turn
automatically and face the
direction from which you
are taking damage.
Choose “On” to use a
regular attack by pressing
the Control Pad in the
direction of the target.
When “On,” if you try to
use an item or a move, you
will be asked to conrm
the direction of use.
Learn about controls and other useful information.
The hero’s Belly empties while you are
exploring. If the Belly gets empty, the hero
starts losing HP. Restore the hero’s Belly by
eating items such as Apples.
The money you currently have. It is
counted in Poké. You can obtain money
by nding it in dungeons and earn it as
rewards for completing jobs.
The weather in the dungeon. Depending
on the weather, the abilities of Pokémon
and the power of moves may be affected.
Also, it’s possible for weather to cause
damage to certain types of Pokémon.
Your total play time from the start of
the game.
Current Floor
The Hero’s Level
HP and HP Bar
The Dungeon
You Are In
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