
Number of hits scored
Enemy's shield gauge
Only displayed in boss battles.
Boost meter
This will fill up if you perform a
boost, brake, U-turn or somersault.
You won't be able to perform any of
these actions until the gauge
Remaining smart bombs
Displayed in All-Range Mode
(p. 11).
Wing status
The wings will break off if they take
too much damage. Laser power will
revert to basic levels and flight
performance will go down.
Y o u a r e n o t a b l e t o s u s p e n d t h e g a m e
i n N i n t e n d o 6 4 m o d e , E x p e r t m o d e ,
o r G u e s t m o d e .
Press during play to display
the pause menu. You can choose to
restart the mission (forfeiting one
life), suspend the game, or check
the controls.
Pause Menu