Appendix F – DL Logs
76 DL™ User Manual Rev 3
Table 19: MSGA Error Code Definition
Code Error System event
2001 BISTFAIL Built-in Self Test failed
2002 PWRFAIL Power Failed
2003 BATTLOWA Low Voltage from battery A (< 10.7V)
2004 BATTLOWB Low Voltage from battery B (< 10.7V)
2005 SWBATT Battery switch performed
2006 TEMPWARN High temperature warning
2007 TEMPFAIL High temperature shutdown
2008 DISKLOW Low storage space remaining (< 10% of card capacity)
2009 DISKFULL No storage space remaining
2010 DISKGONE PC Card removed
3001 CMDFAIL User-command feedback
3003 DISKERR An error occurred while trying to access the PC Card
3007 BOOTOK System boot successful
3008 PWRLOW Entering low-power mode
3010 LOGNAME Specified filename already exists
3025 DISKIN PC Card detected and configured
3026 DISKCAPOK Storage space OK (> 10% of card capacity)
Message ID = 1024, Message byte count = 96
Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Sync 3 Char 0
(header) Checksum 1 Char 3
Message ID 4 Integer 4
Message byte count 4 Integer 8
2 Code 4 Integer 12
3 Error 10 Char 16
4 Filler 2 Char 26
5 SubCode 4 Integer 28
6 SubCodeMsg 32 Char 32
7 SubCodeArg 24 Char 64
8 Date 4 Unsigned long 88
9 Time 4 Unsigned long 92