5 Firmware Upgrades & Updates
30 MiLLennium GPSCard and Enclosures Guide to Installation & Operation
The Loader utility can operate from any DOS directory or drive on your PC. The program is comprised of three parts:
Program Card (authorization procedure), Setup (communications configuration) and Terminal (terminal emulator). The
main screen is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 Main screen of LOADER program
If you are running Loader for the first time, be sure to access the Setup menu (step 3 below) before proceeding to
Program Card (step 4 below); otherwise, you can skip step 3. The procedure is as follows:
1. Turn off power to the MiLLennium.
2. Start the Loader program.
3. From the main menu screen, select Setup to configure the serial port over which communication will occur
(default: COM1) , and the data transfer rates for both programming (default: 115 200 bits per second) and terminal
emulation (default: 9600 bps). To minimize the time required, select the highest serial bit rate your PC can reliably
support. Loader will verify and save your selections in a file named LOADER.SET, and return to the main menu
4. From the main screen, select Program Card.
5. Select the disk drive (e.g., A, B, C, D) in which the update file (e.g. 442.BIN) is located. Select the path where the
update program file is located (e.g., C:\GPS\LOADER
); the directory from which you started
Loader is the default
path. Select the required update file (e.g. 442.BIN).
6. At the prompt, enter your update auth-code (e.g. 17b2,32df,6ba0,92b5,e5b9,millenrt2).
7. When prompted by the program, turn on power to the MiLLennium. Loader will automatically establish
communications with the MiLLennium. The time required to transfer the new program data will depend on the bit
rate, which was selected earlier.
8. When the transfer is complete, use a terminal emulator such as that in Loader (select Terminal) to issue the
VERSION command; this will verify your new program version number. When using the terminal emulator in
Loader, a prompt does not initially appear; you need to enter the command first, which then produces a response,
after which a prompt will appear.
9. Exit Loader (select Quit).
This completes the procedure required for field-updating a MiLLennium.