© 2002 Design, 2011 Doc. No. 12-5216-r02 (9/6/11)
The unit is configured with a Data Port (Fig. 153a) that enables it to be connected to a PC USB port using a special interface
cable that is available as an optional accessory.
The USB Driver required for the PC interface system can be downloaded from the Oceanic Worldwide web site.
The PC interface system can be used to set/change the Set T group (Watch Time/Date), Set A group (Alarms), Set U group (Utili-
ties), and Set FA group (FREE Alarms). The Set F group (FO2) settings and Dive Operating Mode selection must be entered using
the button controls.
Information available for retrieval* (download) from the unit to the PC program includes items such as dive number, surface
interval time, depth, dive time, start date and time, lowest temperature, sampling rate, Set Points, TLBG, VARI, air time, start/end
pressure, and Gas/TMT Switching events.
FREE Dive information is only available using the PC interface system.
The unit checks for the presence of an interface device connection to the Data Port once every second* while in Watch mode.
Checks are not made if the Wet Activation contacts are wet.
Upon sensing an interface connection, the requesting device (PC) connects to the ATOM and is prepared for upload of settings
or download of data which is then initiated using the PC program. During the process, there is a 2 minute window during which
time a PC countdown screen is displayed on the ATOM (Fig. 154). Upload or download must be started during this time.
Prior to attempting to download data from your ATOM or upload settings to it, review the HELP section of the interface program.
Recommended is to print those sections of HELP that you consider appropriate for your interface activities.
PC requirements:
, or compatible, PC with USB Port
• Intel
Pentium 200 MHz or better microprocessor
• Microsoft
2000, XP, Vista, or 7
• Super VGA card or compatible video graphics adaptor (256 color or greater) with a minimum 800 X 600 pixel screen area of display settings
• 16MB of available RAM
• 20MB of available hard drive storage
• Mouse
• CD Rom drive
• Printer
For software updates, refer to the Oceanic web site at ->> www.OceanicWorldwide.com
For support, call OceanLog Support toll free at ->> (866) 732-7877, 8 Am to 5 Pm USA Pacific time.
Protect your unit from shock, excessive temperatures, exposure to chemicals, and tampering. Protect the lens against scratches
with a Instrument Lens Protector. Small scratches will naturally disappear underwater.
• Soak and rinse the unit in fresh water at the end of each day of diving, and check to ensure that the areas around the Low
Pressure (Depth) Sensor (Fig. 155a), PC Interface Data Port (Fig. 155b), and buttons are free of debris or obstructions.
• To dissolve salt crystals, use lukewarm water or a slightly acidic bath (50% white vinegar/50% fresh water). After removal
from the bath, place the unit under gently running fresh water and towel dry before storing.
• Transport your equipment cool, dry, and protected.
Your dive computer should be inspected annually by an Authorized Oceanic Dealer who will perform a factory prescribed func-
tion check and inspection for damage or wear. To keep the 2 year limited warranty in effect, this inspection must be completed
one year after purchase (+/- 30 days).
Oceanic recommends that you continue to have an inspection performed every year to ensure it is working properly. The costs of
annual inspections, or inspections relating to water tight integrity, are not covered under the terms of the 2 year limited warranty.
To Obtain Service:
Take your unit to your local Authorized Oceanic Dealer.
If required to return your unit to the Oceanic USA factory:
• Obtain an RA (Return Authorization) number by contacting Oceanic USA at 510/562-0500 or send an e-mail to service@
• Record all dive data in the Log and/or download the data stored in memory. All data will be erased during factory service.
• Package it using a protective cushioning material.
• Include a legible note stating the specific reason for return, your name, address, daytime phone number, serial number(s),
and a copy of your original sales receipt and Warranty Registration.
• Send freight prepaid and insured using a traceable method.
• Non-warranty service must be prepaid. COD is not accepted.
• Additional information is available on the Oceanic web site OceanicWorldwide.com or on the local Oceanic web site that
serves your global region.
The procedures that follow must be closely adhered to. Damage due to improper battery replacement is
not covered by the unit's warranty.
When the battery is removed, settings and calculations for repetitive dives are retained in the unit's memo-
ry while a new battery is installed.
Fig. 153 - DATA PORT
Fig. 155 - CASE BACK