After transfer, residual toner remains on the drum surface, and for next printing, the residual toner reaches to the development area
via charge and exposure. The charge level of the OPC corresponds to the white background is +900VDC, andthe bias voltage of
the conductive roller is approx. +350VDC. Therefor the positively charged residual toner on the OPC drum is attracted and collected
to the conductive roller. The charge level of OPC after exposure is +100VDC. So,the printing area of the OPC is cleaned.
1.7.4. Transfer
As the paper is fed between the drum and the transfer roller, a high negative charge is applied to the back of the paper. The positive
toner particles are then attracted from the drum surface to the paper. After transfer, the paper is separatedfrom the drum surface
by the curvature of the drum.
1.7.5. Fusing
The paper passes through the fuser rollers and is subjected to heat and pressure. The fusing temperature is approximately 190°C
( 382.5°F ), and the pressure is approximately 0.36kg/cm ( 3.53N/cm ). This bonds,or fuses, the toner into the paper.