ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Step 3. Print Reference Files
Print the following 2 files for reference:
C:\Program Files\Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\Docs\Default Bit Definitions.xls.”
This file is a Complete I/O Bit Map of the ACR-MOTIONMAX System Signal Banks. This file is an
Excel spreadsheet for your reference and is your best resource to understanding how ACR-MOTIONMAX
communicates with the Parker-Acroloop Controller and AcroBasic.
C:\Program Files\Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\Docs\Parameter_Definitionst.xls
” in the
Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\Docs Sub Folder. This file describes the functions of all Parameters in the
Parameters.Cfg file that ACR-MOTIONMAX uses at runtime
Step 4. Load ACR-MOTIONMAX AcroBasic Project Template Files
Copy the 5 AcroBasic Template files
contained in the ACR-MOTIONMAX\AcroBasic sub
folder to C:\Program files\Parker\Acroloop\Acroview\Projects\Default folder. If you already have
code in the AcroView default folder it will be overwritten so back it up in necessary.
Open AcroView and Edit Prog0
Don’t Download to Card when prompted by Acroview yet.
Edit Prog0 @ 6 and configure the Axis Encoder Resolutions and Multipliers
Set the PPU Values (Encoder Resolution) for your application… Units = XXXX Counts per 1” of
Example: PPU X4000 Y4000 Z4000
Mult X1 Y1 Z1
Step 5. Download Project to Controller Flash.
Download All AcroBasic Programs to the Servo Cards Flash and save it with (No Errors).
Note: to enable error checking … right click in the lower window and select “Logging”. Next
download the file to the card. AcroView writes a log file that resides in the AcroView folder.
Open this file with notepad or create a shortcut to it on your desktop, as you will probably look at
this file hundreds of time to check the program for errors.
When all Programs are Downloaded Error Free. Type the Following at the Command line.
Flash Save
Step 6. Test & Phase the Motor/Encoders
Phasing is correct when the Axis Readout Increments when moved in a positive direction on your machine.
Enable your Drives manually and type the following at the Command line:
While watching the Readouts on the Top Upper left of the AcroView Screen.
Repeat for All Attached Axes.
The X Axis Motor should move 1 inch positive, and in a direction you consider to be Forward on your
Machine. If it doesn’t the Motor is Out of Phase and the Mult Parameter/Encoder or DAC lines will need to
be changed.
To Change Motor Direction using Parameters:
Set the MULT Parameter to –1 for the Axis Axis0 MULT –1
Reverse the Dac Gain for the Axis Dac0 Gain -3276.8