Trouble Shooting
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Timer does not move but
press operates
Hold Switch turned on.
Defective timer.
Hold Switch should be turned off.
Replace timer.
No heat / no movements Bad fuse.
No power.
Check and / or replace fuse.
Check power to its source.
Timer moves / heat works
No movement
Lack of air pressure
Binding cylinder
Bad 4-way valve
Check main airline.
Disconnect main air line, attempt to move cylinder
by hand, loosen air line from 4-way valve to
TOP of cylinder; operate machine. If not,
replace valve. If air escapes, tighten and check
line to the BOTTOM of cylinder.
No heat / no indicator light,
no meter indicator
No power Check wiring
No heat / no indicator light.
Meter reads +50
Bad probe Replace probe.
Heat out of control Unit malfunction.
Probe shorted.
Replace Unit
Replace probe.
Heat working, meter not in
the green band
Error in manual reset control Resent according to Athens Booklet.
Air leak at 4-way valve
Internal leak in cylinder
Jammed 4-way valve
Replace or rebuild cylinder
Replace 4-way valve
Timer will not reset Reset switch not functioning Adjust or replace
Vacuum arm stays in the
down position
a) Foot pedal not held down until
timer hits zero
b) Hold Switch turned on
c) Timer malfunction
d) 4-way valve jammed
a) Hold down until timer hits zero
b) Hold Switch must be off during normal
c) Replace timer
d) Replace 4-way valve
Vacuum arm stays in up
position after cycle
Reset Switch not functioning Replace or adjust
Vacuum arm has no
Broken tension spring
Broken gear teeth
Vacuum arm moves too
fast or too slow
Flow controls out of adjustment Adjust for smooth motion, not too fast
Vacuum arm does not go to
ready position when auto
switch is activated
Relay not working
Switch not working
Users Manual Electro-Sealer 7112 BR 7112 Series Flock Feed • 9