PCAN-Dongle (ISO) – User Manual
4.1 Getting Started under Windows
4.1.1 Information about the Parallel Interface
You need information about the used interrupt and port address of
the parallel interface. It can be gained from the Device Manager of
1. On the desktop open the context menu of the icon "My
Computer" (right mouse click) and select the command
2. Windows 2000, XP: Select the tab Hardware and click on the
button Device Manager afterwards.
Windows 98 SE, ME: Select the tab Device Manager.
3. Under Ports (COM & LPT) in the tree view double click on
the entry Printer Port (LPTx) or ECP Printer Port (LPTx).
4. Select the tab Resources.
You can extract the needed information from the entries
"Input/Output Range" and "Interrupt Request" in the shown list.
Write down this information for later use.
Note: Under Windows 2000 and Windows XP the use of an
interrupt for the parallel interface must explicitly be
determined. This happens on the tab Port Settings. Activate the
option Use any interrupt assigned to the port there.
4.1.2 PCAN-View for Windows
In the Start menu of the Windows desktop you can find the entry
"PCAN Hardware". From there you can execute the program PCAN-
A dialog for the selection of the CAN hardware as well as the setting
of the CAN parameters appears after the program start.