A470e Users Guide
Pertech® 2006
Air Gap Adjustment
The air gap may need adjustment if 3 ply roll paper is used. If adjustment is required it will be
evidenced by ink smudge on a Self Test printout. Most 3 ply paper can be accommodated by
turning the 2 adjustment screws clockwise 1/8 of a turn.
CAUTION: Metal surfaces of
printhead may be hot - avoid
contact! The air gap is the
distance between the print head
and the print bar. This space must
be large enough to accommodate
the ribbon material and the print
media. Too great an air gap will
cause light print or missing dots
and too small an air gap will
produce ink smudge on the media.
The air gap can be changed by
turning the 5/64 hex socket drive
screws near each end of the print
bar. These screws are visible
once the cover is raised and
the ribbon cartridge is removed.
Clockwise adjustment will increase
the air gap and counter-clockwise
adjustment will decrease the air
A Validation Form can be inserted from the top or top and left once the clamp has opened. The
printer will automatically clamp the form when it has been detected. Wait until the printer has
î‚¿nished printing and released the form prior to removal.
Adjustable Features