Philips Electronics
- 63 -
6 Getting help
6.1 Checking Display Status
You may check the status of your PhotoFrame™— whether the system is ON, if the battery is
charging, how many more photos can be stored, how much battery power remains, which
media are currently connected, or the PhotoFrame™ software version.
From the LED light indicator in the back, you can determine whether the system is ON or the
battery is charging:
Power LED
Lighting Blue: System ON/ Battery charged
Turned OFF: System OFF
Flashing Blue: Battery is charging
Below is an easy way to look up other information.
Press the menu button to access the Main Menu.
Navigate down to highlight the setup icon.
Navigate right or press the OK button to access the setup menu.
Navigate down button to go to status.
The status of the PhotoFrame™ is shown in the right window.
Free space (pic): XX (Estimates of how many additional photos can be stored in PhotoFrame™)
Power: DC (when main is supplying power)
XX% (estimates of battery power remaining, when internal battery is supplying power.)
Connected media: (Lists all memory cards connected to PhotoFrame™)
Firmware: (PhotoFrame™ software version)
Connected media: (Lists all memory cards connected to PhotoFrame™)
Connected media free space: (remaining free memory in MB)
Press menu button again to leave this menu.