
3.1 Main menu selection
Select from the main menu by means of the
left/right arrow keys: CONTROL INPUTS.
3.2 Control input number selection
Pressing ENTER will show the number of
the first free input. The number displayed is
dependent on the Control Input Module
being present in the system. Inputs assigned
to Direct Zone Routing will be skipped.
Numbers of modules not present will be
skipped. Inputs 1-8 of Control Input
Module 1 can have one of two functions:
remote music control or normal call
activation. All other inputs available on
Control Input Module 2 and 3, can only be
used for normal call activation. Use the
up/down arrow keys to select a Control
Input number.
3.3 Control input 1
Enables remote control of music volume up.
Pressing the ‘|’ key selects music volume up
activation, pressing the ‘O’ key continues
normal call activation (program step 3.8).
3.4 Control input 2
Enables remote control of music volume
down. Pressing the ‘|’ key selects music
volume up activation, pressing the ‘O’ key
continues normal call activation (program
step 3.8).
3.5 Control input 3
Enables remote control of music mute.
Pressing the ‘|’ key selects music volume up
activation, pressing the ‘O’ key continues
normal call activation (program step 3.8).
3.6 Control input 4
Enables remote select of music source.
Pressing the ‘|’ key selects music volume up
activation, entering ‘O’ continues normal
call activation (program step 3.8).
3.7 Control input 5-8
Enables Control Relay switching selection.
Pressing the ‘|’ key selects Control Relay
switching ‘on’ and pressing ENTER
continues programming Control Relays
(program step 3.12). Pressing the ‘O’ key
continues with normal call activation.
3.8 Control input 1-8
Enables the distribution of an external audio
source connected to microphone/line input
x (1 - 6) to one or more loudspeaker zones
with priority, attention signal followed
eventually by a pre-recorded message. Relay
4 of the Control Relay Module (LBB
1288/00) is reserved to start (and to stop)
the audio source.
A contact, connected to pins 4 and 5 of the
relevant microphone/line connector (5-pole
DIN), starts and stops the action (4 - 5
closed starts the action and 4 - 5 open stops
the action).
3.9 Priority level selection input 1-24
See program step 1.4.
3.10 Signal number selection
See program step 1.5.
3.11 Pre-recorded Message number
See program step 1.6.
GB/SM 30 user manual 5/26/98 10:18 AM Page 42