4.14 The Security Code
The Security Code is the last step after setting all other
programming parameters for the Model 1104. The code consists
of a 4-digit number you select and will effectively prevent
unauthorized changes to the Model 1104’s programming. When
the Security Code is activated, all keyboard programming is
inaccessible. The Model 1104 may be interrogated using the
WHAT IS key, but the keyboard must be unlocked, via the
Security Code, before any additional programming is possible.
4.14.1 Locking the Keypad
To program the Security Code:
1. Press SET.
2. Press CODE.
The Model 1104 will say “Enter security code.”
3. Using the number keys, enter 4 digits. The Model 1104 says,
“OK.” The keyboard is now locked.
If unauthorized persons attempt to set a parameter, an error
message, “Error 2,” is returned. Whenever any operation except
WHAT IS takes place without entering the security code first, this
error message occurs.
4.14.2 Unlocking the Keypad
To unlock the keyboard:
1. Press WHAT IS.
2. Press CODE.
The Model 1104 will say “Enter Security Code.”