Introduction of RDS operation
RDS (radio data system) is a system for provid-
ing information along with FM broadcasts.
This inaudible information provides such fea-
tures as program service name, program type,
traffic announcement standby and automatic
tuning, intended to aid radio listeners in find-
ing and is tuning in to a desired station.
1 Presetstation list
Shows the preset number and the name of
broadcast program (program service name).
! If the signal is too weak for this unit to
pick up the program service name infor-
mation, broadcast frequency will be dis-
2 Program service name
Shows the name of broadcast program.
3 NEWS indicator
Shows when the set news program is re-
4 TRFCindicator
Shows when a TP station is tuned in.
5 TEXTindicator
Shows when the radio text is received.
1 Press A.MENU button to display MENU.
MENU appears on the display.
2 Touch FUNCTION to display the func-
tion names.
The function names are displayed and oper-
able ones are highlighted.
# To return to the previousdisplay, touch BACK.
# To return to the frequency display, touch ESC.
! If you do not operate the function within about
30 seconds, the display is automatically re-
turned to the frequency display.
! RDS service may not be provided by all sta-
! RDS functions such as AFand TA are only ac-
tive when your radio is tuned toan RDS
Switching the RDS display
When you tune in an RDS station its program
service name is displayed on the information
bar. If you want to know the frequency you
% Touch DISP.
Touch DISP repeatedly to switch between the
following settings:
PTY (PTY information)frequency
PTY (program type ID code) information is
listed on page 30.
# If a PTY code of zero is received froma station
or the signal is too weak for this unitto pick up
the PTY code, you cannot switch to PTY informa-
tion display. In this case, if you have selected the
PTY information display, the display will be chan-
ged to blank.