Troubles hooting
Symptom Cause Action (See)
Power doesn’t turn on.
The unitdoesn’t operate.
Leads andconnectors areincor-
rectly connected.
Confirm oncemore thatall connectionsare
The fuse is blown. Rectifythereason forthe fuseblowing, then
replace the fuse.Be verysure toinstall a fuse
with thesame rating.
Noise andother factors arecausing
the built-inmicroprocessor tooper-
ate incorrectly.
PressRESET. (Page 13)
Playback isnot possible. The discis dirty. Clean disc. (Page 117)
The loaded disc is atype this unit
cannot play.
Check whattype thedisc is.
Non compatible videosystem disc
is loaded.
Change toa disc compatibleto your video
No soundsare heard.
The volume levelwill notrise.
Cables arenot connectedcorrectly. Connect thecables correctly.
The unitis performing still,slow mo-
tion or frame-by-frame playback.
There isno soundduring still,slow motionor
frame-by-frame playback.
There isno picture. The parkingbrake cordis notcon-
Connect aparking brakecord, andapply the
parking brake.
The parkingbrake isnot applied. Connecta parkingbrake cord,and applythe
parking brake.
The icon
is displayed, andop-
eration is notpossible.
The operationis prohibited for the
This operationis notpossible.
The operationis notcompatible
with thedisc’s organization.
This operationis notpossible.
The picture stops(pauses) and
the unitcannot beoperated.
Readingof data hasbecome impos-
sible duringplayback.
After stoppingplayback once,start playback
once more.
There isno sound.
Volume levelis low.
The volume levelis low. Adjustthe volumelevel.
The attenuatoris on. Turn theattenuator off.
There isaudio andvideo skip-
The unitis notfirmly secured. Secure the unitfirmly.
The picture isstretched, theas-
pect is incorrect.
The aspectsetting isincorrect for
the display.
Select the appropriatesettingfor your display.
(Page 101)
When the ignitionswitch is
turned ON(or turned to ACC),
the motorsounds.
The unitis confirmingwhether a
disc isloaded ornot.
This isa normaloperation.
Nothing isdisplayed.
The touch panelkeys cannotbe
The rear viewcamera isnot con-
B.CAMERA isat incorrectsetting.
Connect arear view camera.
PressV.ADJto returnto thesource display
and then select thecorrect settingfor
B.CAMERA. (Page 97)
Additional Information
Additional Information