If you have problems operating your navigation system, refer to this section. The most common
problems are listed below, along with likely causes and solutions. While this list is not comprehen-
sive, it should answer your most common problems. If a solution to your problem cannot be
found here, contact your dealer or the nearest authorized Pioneer service facility.
Problems with the navigation screen
Symptom Cause Action (Reference)
The power doesn’t turnon. The
navigation system doesn’t oper-
Leads and connectorsare incor-
rectly connected.
Confirm once morethat all connections are
The fuse (inthe vehicle powerchar-
ger) isblown.
Rectify the reasonfor the fuse blowing,then
replace the fuse.Be very sure to installa cor-
rect fuse withthe same rating.
Noise and other factors are causing
the built-in microprocessorto oper-
ate incorrectly.
Pressthe RESET button. (Page 8)
The detachable device does not
turn on.
The battery of thedetachable device
is run down.
Charge the battery. (Page17)
When you usethe detachable
device removed fromthe main
unit, the battery runsout more
rapidly than before.
There's a possibility a newbattery is
Contact the nearestauthorized Pioneer Ser-
vice Station.
You cannotposition your vehicle
on the mapwithout a significant
positioning error.
Signal quality fromthe GPS satel-
lites ispoor causing reduced posi-
tioning accuracy. Sucha loss of
signal quality mayoccur for the fol-
lowing reasons:
• Thisproduct is inan unsuitable lo-
• Obstacles areblocking signals
from the satellites.
• Theposition ofsatellites relative to
your vehicle is inadequate.
• Signals fromthe GPS satellites
have been modified to reduceaccu-
racy. (GPS satellites are operatedby
the USDepartment of Defense,and
the USgovernment reserves the
right to distortpositioning data for
military reasons. This maylead to
greater positioning errors.)
• Ifa cellular phone isused near
the GPS module,GPS reception
may belost temporarily.
Check the GPSsignal reception, theposition
of this productand the topside clearanceif
necessary, orcontinue driving untilreception
You cannotposition your vehicle
on the mapwithout a significant
positioning error.
Something covers thisproduct’s
Do notcover this product withspray paint or
vehicle wax, becausethis may block there-
ception of GPSsignals.
The navigation systemmay not be
mounted securely inyour vehicle.
Check that thenavigation system is securely
mounted and, ifnecessary, consultthe dealer
that installed thesystem.