
PLANET VIP-110/VIP-210 Web Configuration Guide
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is for setting the timeToLive to be encapsulated in the RRQ message.
endpoint_prefix This command is used to set the H.323 prefix that the VIP-110/VIP-210 will uses
when registering to an H.323 gatekeeper. After registering to a gatekeeper using the
prefix, the gatekeeper will map all Admission Request with destination matching
the prefix to VIP-110/VIP-210.
Default: null
Terminal ID One of the UUIEs in the H.323 Setup message that the VIP-110/VIP-210 sends to
a remote gateway when initiating a call is sourceAddress. The sourceAddress
UUIE is a list of alias addresses, by which the remote gateway identifies the
VIP-110/VIP-210. This command is used to set a string that the VIP-110/VIP-210
will place in the 1st alias address filed of the sourceAddress UUIE in the H.323
Setup message. This string is also placed in the 1st alias address filed in the termi-
nalAlias filed in RRQ the gateways sends to the gatekeeper for registration.
Default: null
GateKeeper ID When the VIP-110/VIP-210 registers to a gatekeeper, it specifies the gatekeeper is
wishes to register with in the gatekeeperIdentifier field in the RRQ message it
sends to the gatekeeper. This command is for setting the string to be placed in the
gatekeeperIdentifier field in the RRQ message VIP-110/VIP-210 sends to gate-
Default: null
Please do not modify these parameters without assistance
of a VoIP system admini
strator or ITSP personnel to obtain
proper Gatekeeper related information, and input with care.
All the modifications youve done in H.323 configuration
page require machine reboot to make the changes effective.