Transmission Gear Selector Operation
The transmission gear selector is located to
the right of the vehicle driver’s seat. The
transmission selector lever has four posi-
tions: high forward (D2); reverse; neutral;
and low forward (D1).
Use of (low forward gear - D1) is recom-
mended in heavy pulling situations to extend
belt life.
To change gears, stop the vehicle and with
the engine idling, move the lever to the de-
sired gear. Do not attempt to shift gears
with engine speed above idle or while the
vehicle is moving.
Always place the transmission in gear with the parking brake locked whenever the
vehicle is left unattended.
Maintaining shift linkage adjustment is important to assure proper transmission
function. Should you experience any shifting problem see your dealer.
1. Do not attempt to shift the transmission while the vehicle
is moving or while operating on hilly terrain.
2. Always place the transmission in gear with the parking
brake applied and turn the vehicle off whenever the ve-
hicle is left unattended.
D-2 D-1
Shift Pattern