Periodic Maintenance Schedule (Cont.)
Item Hours or
Frequency Remarks
Headlamp Inspection Daily Daily Check operation daily; apply Polaris di-
electric grease to connector when re-
Tail lamp inspection Daily Daily Check operation daily; apply Polaris di-
electric grease to socket when replaced
Brake System Pre-ride Pre-ride Pre-ride inspection item
J Brake fluid 200 hrs 24 months Change every two years
J Brake pad wear 10 hrs/100
Monthly Inspect periodically
Parking Brake Pre-Ride Pre-Ride Check lever adjustment daily; adjust
Tires Pre-ride Pre-ride Inspect daily, pre-ride inspection item
Wheels Pre-ride Pre-ride Pre-ride inspection item
Frame nuts, bolts, fasteners Pre-ride Pre-ride Pre-ride inspection item
J CAUTION: Due to the nature of these adjustments, it is recommended that
service be performed by an authorized Polaris dealer. Do not attempt to perform
this work unless you are familiar with mechanical repair.
" More often under severe use, such as dirty or wet conditions
L Emission Control System Service (California - 4-Cycle)