Driving Uphill
Braking and handling are greatly affected when operating in hilly ter-
rain. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or overturn. When-
ever traveling uphill, follow these precautions:
1. Drive straight uphill.
2. Avoid steep hills (25°
3. Always check the terrain
carefully before ascend-
ing any hill.
4. Avoid hills with exces-
sively slippery or loose
5. Keep both feet on the
6. Shift body weight uphill.
7. Drive at a steady rate of speed to avoid stalling.
8. Never open the throttle suddenly or make sudden gear changes.
9. Never go over the top of a hill at high speed.
10. Be alert. Be prepared to take emergency action. This may include
dismounting quickly.
If all forward speed is lost:
Keep your weight uphill.
If the vehicle begins rolling downhill, never apply engine power. Never
apply the rear brakes while rolling backwards.
Apply the foot brake gradually. When fully stopped, squeeze the brake
lever as well.
Dismount on the uphill side, or to either side if the vehicle is pointed
straight uphill. Turn the vehicle around and remount, following the pro-
cedure described on page 40.