
Variable Exhaust System (VES)
Maintena nc e of the VES is limited to a periodic inspe ction and
clea ning o f system compone nts. Eve ry 1000 to 2000 miles (800-1600
km), bring the mac hine to an authorized Polaris de ale r to have the VES
disassembled, inspected, and cleaned.
NOTE: To ensure maximum performance and minimize required
maintenance, follow the oil recommendations on page 49.
The use of other lubricants may cause improper function of
the valve mechanism and increase the frequency of required
cleaning due to excessive build-up of carbon deposits.
Fuel Filter/Fuel Lines
Inspect the in-tank fuel filter (1) and fuel
lines regularly. Give special attention to the
system’s fuel line condition after periods of
storage. Normal deterioration from weather
and fuel compounds may occur.
Kinking the fuel lines or using a pliers or similar tools to remove
fuel lines may cause damage to the lines. If a fuel line has been
damaged or kinked, replace it promptly.