Engine Oil
Oil Recommendations
Always check and change the engine oil at the intervals outlined in the
Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 53. Always change the
oil filter whenever changing oil. Change the oil more often if the vehicle
is routinely subjected to:
• operation in dusty or wet conditions
• operation when air temperature is below -12° C.
• short trips at -12° to -1° C. (engine fails to reach operating tempera-
Polaris recommends the use of Performance Synthetic 4-Stroke (PS-4)
0W-50 oil for this engine. PS-4 is a fully synthetic, high performance,
multi-viscosity oil designed to provide the ultimate in lubrication per-
formance and protection.
Oil may need to be changed more frequently if Polaris oil is not used.
Always use 0W-50 oil. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for
ambient temperature operation.
Oil Specifications
Mixing brands or using a non-recommended oil may cause serious engine
damage. Always use a recommended oil. Never substitute or mix oil brands.
Lubricant Capacity Drain Plug Torque
Performance Synthetic
4-Stroke (PS-4) 0W-50
1.9 liters 19 N-m