Steering Assembly
Check the steering assembly of the vehicle periodically for loose nuts
and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your Polaris dealer for
service before operating the vehicle.
Rear Suspension
The rear suspension spring preload and
shock compression damping may be
adjusted to suit different riding condi-
tions and operator weight.
Spring Preload
1. Raise and safely support the rear of
the vehicle off the ground to allow
the suspension to fully extend.
2. Loosen the jam nut and back it
away from the adjusting ring.
3. Turn the adjusting ring counter-
clockwise (1) to increase preload.
Turn the ring clockwise (2) to
decrease preload.
4. Tighten the jam nut firmly against
the adjuster ring.
Compression Damping
Use a flat-blade screwdriver to make
damping adjustments. The factory setting
is at 10 clicks from fully closed.
The compression damping clicker is
located on the end of the shock reservoir.
1. Turn the clicker clockwise (1) to
increase compression damping.
2. Turn the clicker counter-clockwise
(2) to decrease compression damp-