Hauling Cargo
Never exceed the weight
capacities specified for your
ATV on warning labels and in
the specifications section of
this manual.
Cargo weight should be evenly
distributed (1/3 on the front
rack and 2/3 on the rear rack)
and mounted as low as possi-
ble. When operating over
rough or hilly terrain, reduce
speed and cargo weight to
maintain stable driving condi-
tions. Do not obstruct the headlight beam with cargo. Use low forward
gear when hauling or towing heavy cargo to extend belt life.
Towing Loads
Always attach a towed load to the hitch point. Remove the hitch from
the ATV when not towing a trailer. If towing a load, reduce rear rack
cargo weight by the amount of tongue weight.
• The combination of rear rack cargo weight and tongue weight must
not exceed the rear rack capacity.
• The total load (operator, accessories, cargo and weight on hitch) must
not exceed the maximum weight capacity of the vehicle.
NOTICE: Using an improper hitch or exceeding
the maximum tongue weight capacity
can result in serious damage to the
vehicle and will void your ATV
warranty. Never install a hitch longer
than 4" (10 cm). Never install
automotive accessories on your
Polaris ATV. Always install Polaris-
approved (or equivalent) accessories
designed for ATV use.