Vehicle Identification Numbers
Record your snowmobile's identification numbers and key number in
the spaces provided. Remove the spare key and store it in a safe place.
Your key can be duplicated only by mating a Polaris key blank with one
of your existing keys, so if both keys are lost, the ignition switch must
be replaced.
Vehicle Model Number: ___________________________________________________
Tunnel VIN (
✪)(lower right side of the tunnel):__________________________________
Engine Serial Number (on recoil housing): ____________________________________
Key Number: ___________________________________________________________
Important Notes for Owners and Drivers
After reading this manual, store it in the snowmobile for convenient ref-
erence. It should remain with the snowmobile when sold.
Follow the maintenance program outlined in this manual. Preventive
maintenance ensures that critical components of the snowmobile are
inspected by your dealer at specific mileage intervals.
You and your dealer must complete the registration form included with
your snowmobile and forward it to us. This completed form is neces-
sary to ensure warranty coverage.
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