Rear Suspension Adjustments
Rear Suspensio n Initial Spring Preload Setting
(Sag Method)
To set up the rear suspension torsion
spring preload, measure the distance
between the ground and rear bumper.
This is measurement X.
Take this measurement with no rider
and with the rear suspension at full
NOTE: The rear bumper may
need to be lifted upward
slightly to fully extend the
Next, have the rider drop down hard
on the seat and bounce up and down
several times, collapsing the rear
suspension. With the rider seated,
measure the distance between the
ground and the rear bumper at the
exact location used for measurement
X. This is measurement Y.
To determine sag, commonly
referred to as ride-in, subtract
measurement Y from X (Sag=X-Y). Adjust sag by rotating the torsion
spring preload cams located on the rear torque arm. See illustration.
The ideal amount of sag for the IQ rear suspension is five inches
If the rear suspension rides in less than four inches or more than six
inches with the torsion spring preload cams at their maximum range of
adjustment, optional torsion springs (softer or stiffer, respectively) may
be required. This is only an initial setup, and final spring preload may
vary based on rider preference and riding conditions.