Extended Storage
Grease the jackshaft and drive shaft clutch side bearings with Polaris
Premium All-Season Grease or a similar high quality grease to prevent
corrosion. See page 112 for part numbers.
Clutch and Drive System
Remove the drive belt and store in a cool dry location. Lubricate the
sheave faces of the drive and driven clutches with a light coat of oil or
Polaris Cable Lubricant. S ee page 112 for part numbers. Do not
lubricate clutch components, except the driven clutch shaft bushing as
outlined in the Master Repair Manual. See your dealer.
Engine and Carburetor Protection
Proper preparation of the engine and fuel system is vital to the
prevention of rust and corrosion on precision engine parts during
storage. Whenever the machine is stored for a period of more than 60
days,the engine must be fogged with fogging oil. Follow the engine
fogging instructions provided on the can. See page 112.
Always add Premium Carbon Clean or a fuel conditioner/stabilizer to
the fuel tank. See page 112 for the part numbers of Polaris products.
Follow the instructions on the can, running the engine for five minutes
to get additives through the entire fuel system. Top off with fresh fuel.
HINT: For easier starting after extended storage, add lubricant to the
fuel in the tank at a 40:1 ratio and run the engine for three to fi ve
minutes before storage. This will lubricate the fuel pump diaphragm to
keep it flexible and help prevent loss of prime.
If stabilizer is not used, d rain the carburetors by removing the water
trap drain plugs (see page 82). Catch fuel in a container or shop cloth.
Reinstall plugs securely. Observe all fire safety rules when draining
carburetors. See gasoline warnings on page 57.
Jet restriction caused by improper storage can cause lean conditions
and very poor slow speed driving quality.