Pre -Ride Checklist
Inspect all items on the checklist for proper operation or condition
before each use of the snowmobile. Procedures are outlined on the
referenced pages. Look for a checkmark (n) on the referenced pages
to locate the pre-ride inspection items.
Drive Belt Condition 101, 103
Steering System 60
Recoil Rope 58
Coolant Level 92
Park Brake Lock/Brake Lever/Brake System 58, 59, 95
Auxiliary Shut-Off Switch (Engine Stop Switch) 61
Ignition Switch 61
Taillight/Brakelight/Headlight 61
Suspension Mounting Bolts 114
Skags (Wear Bars) 55, 111
Ski Saddle and Spindle Bolts 113
Hood Straps/Latches 60
Seat Latches 57
Throttle Lever/Safety Switch 57, 70, 71
Rear Wheel Idler Bolts 107, 113
Tether Switch/Strap 61
Track Alignment/Condition 60, 108
Slider Condition 112
Chaincase Oil Level 84
Injection Oil Level 69