Engine Stops or Loses Power
Engine Overheating
Possible Cause Solution
Out of fuel Refuel, cycle key to ON position three
times for 5 seconds each, then start
Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Inspect and replace (if equipped)
Water is present in fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel
Old or non-recommended fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel
Overuse of choke Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs
Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Inspect, clean and/or replace spark
Worn or defective spark plug wires See your dealer
Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plug
Loose ignition connections Check all connections and tighten
Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC
Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace
Reverse speed limiter malfunction See your dealer
Electronic throttle control malfunction See your dealer
Other mechanical failure See your dealer
Overheated engine Clean engine exterior, see your Polaris
Possible Cause Solution
Towing/dragging heavy loads Install the accessory oil cooler if the
vehicle will be used for towing heavy
loads, dragging ground surfaces or
performing similar activities.
Operating in excessive heat Install the accessory oil cooler if the
vehicle is normally operated when the air
temperature is above 38° C.