All Wheel Drive (AWD) System
Disengaging Wheel Hubs
Although the hubs normally disengage when operating in reverse, one
or both hubs may occasionally remain engaged. If the handlebars pull
to one side, it’s likely that one front hub is engaged . If both hubs are
engaged, steering ef fort increases but remains balanced from left to
right, and vehicle speed is somewhat restricted.
Disengage the hubs by stopping, shifting to reverse, and backing for a
short distance. Then proceed in forward again.
NOTE: If the hubs remain engaged after following this procedure,
return the ATV to your dealer for service.
To continue using AWD in reverse, activate the override switch and the
AWD switch. See page 31.
Operating with only one front hub engaged could result in loss of
control, accident, and severe injury or death. When hub
engagement symptoms are present, use the disengaging
procedure before proceeding.