Break-in Period
1. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline. Always
exercise extreme caution whenever han-
dling gasoline. See page 15.
2. Check the oil level. Add the recom-
mended oil as needed. Maintain the oil
level in the proper range. See page 105.
3. Drive slowly at first. Select an open
area that allows room to familiarize
yourself with operation and handling.
4. Vary throttle positions. Do not operate
at sustained idle.
5. Perform regular checks on fluid levels,
controls and areas outlined on the daily
pre-ride inspection checklist. See page
6. Perform the following maintenance at
the end of the break-in period.
Item End of Break-In Remarks
Engine oil change Perform break-in oil change 106
Oil pre-filter screen Clean filter with oil change 107
Transmission oil Perform break-in oil change 110
Valve clearance See your dealer for inspection and adjustment --