An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could
result in an accident. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not
Once open, a bottle of brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air, which causes
the boiling temperature of the brake fluid to drop. This can lead to early brake
fade and the possibility of accident. Do not store opened brake fluid. Properly
discard any unused portion.
Under normal operation, a diaphragm extends into the reservoir as fluid
level drops. If the fluid level is low and the diaphragm is not extended, a
leak is likely. The brake system should be inspected by your dealer. Fill
the reservoir as needed whenever the cover is loosened or removed to
ensure proper diaphragm operation. Use Polaris DOT 4 brake fluid. Do
not overfill.
Reservoir levels will decrease as brake pads become worn. When check-
ing the fluid level, the vehicle must be on level ground with the handle-
bars straight. If the fluid level is low, check brake pad thickness before
adding brake fluid. Do not overfill.