Battery Charging (Sealed Battery)
For a refresh charge, follow all
instructions carefully.
1. Measure battery voltage at
the starting solenoid (near
the radiator cap) under the
front storage cover. Check
the battery voltage with a
voltmeter or multimeter.
2. To recharge, carefully
attach the RED charger
clamp to the red cable on
the solenoid. This is the
same terminal used to measure the battery voltage.
3. Attach the BLACK clamp to the starting solenoid bracket.
Tip: A fully charged battery will register 12.8 V or higher. If the voltage is less
than 12.8 volts, recharge the battery at 1.2 amps or less until battery volt-
age is 12.8 or greater.
When using an automatic charger, refer to the charger manufacturer's
instructions for recharging. When using a constant current charger, use
the following guidelines for recharging. Always verify battery condition
before and 1-2 hours after the end of charging.
State of
Voltage Action
Charge Time
(Using constant current
charger @ standard amps
specified on top of battery)
100% 12.8-13.0 volts None, check at 3
mos. from date of
None required
75%-100% 12.5-12.8 volts May need slight
charge, if no
charge given,
check in 3 months
3-6 hours
50%-75% 12.0-12.5 volts Needs charge 5-11 hours
25%-50% 11.5-12.0 volts Needs charge At least 13 hours,
verify state of charge
0%-25% 11.5 volts or less Needs charge with
desulfating charger
At least 20 hours
Check voltage
Attach black
ground clamp