Sportsman Rear Pad Installation
1. Install new brake pads in caliper body.
2. Install and tighten the slide pin with a hex wrench.
3. Install caliper and torque the mounting bolts to
4. Install the slide bolt snap ring. Torque the slide pin to
5. Slowly pump the brake lever until pressure has been built
up. Maintain at least 1/2, (12.7 mm) of brake fluid in the
reservoir to prevent air from entering the master cylinder.
6. It is recommended that a burnishing procedure be
performed after installation of new brake pads to extend
service life and reduce noise.
Brake Burnishing Procedure
Start machine and slowly increase speed to 30 mph. Gradually
apply brakes to stop machine. Allow pads and disc to cool
sufficiently during the procedure. Do not allow pads or disc to
become hot or warping may result. Repeat this procedure 10
If the brake pads are contaminated with grease,
oil, or liquid soaked do not use the pads,
use only new clean pads.
= T
Caliper Mount Bolt Torque:
18 ft.lbs. (24 Nm)
Install Pads
18 ft.lbs. (24 Nm)
= T
Caliper Slide Bolt Torque:
30-35 ft.lbs. (41-48Nm)
30-35 ft.lbs.
(41-48 Nm)