California Emission Control Warranty Statement
Maintenance Schedule
Item Hrs/Miles When Remarks
b Air f ilter
Daily Daily Inspect, clean
b Air f ilter main
Weekly Weekly Inspect, replace if
b Engine breather
20 hrs. Monthly
Inspect, replace annually
and as needed
b Engine oil level/
100 hrs./
1000 mi.
6mos. Check level daily, break-in
service at one month.
Change oil more often in
cold weather use.
b Oil f ilter 100 hrs./
1000 mi.
6mos. Replace with oil change
-- Engine breather
100 hrs.
6mos. Inspect
-- Choke
(enricher) cable
50 hrs. 6mos. Inspect, adjust, lubricate,
replace if necessary
-- Spark plug 100 hrs. 12 mos. Inspect, replace if
a Ignition timing
100 hrs.
12 mos. Inspect, adjust as needed
a Fuel system
100 hrs.
12 mos. Check for leaks at tank
cap, lines, fuel filter, pump
and carburetor. Replace
lines every two years.
a Valve clearance
100 hrs.
12 mos. Inspect, adjust
Idle speed As Required
100 hrs.
Repair and Replacement of Emission-Related Parts
It is recommended that only LSI engine replacement parts, which have been authorized
and approved by POLARIS, should be used in the performance of any warranty
maintenance or repairs of emission-related parts. These replacement parts will be
provided at no charge if the part is still under warranty.
How to File a Warranty Claim/Where to Get Warranty Service
All repairs qualifying under this Limited Warranty must be performed by a dealer who
sold you the LSI engine or a dealer authorized by POLARIS. In the event that any
emission-related part is found to be defective during the warranty period, you must
notify the Polaris Warranty Department at 1-763-417-8650 and you will be advised of
the appropriate dealer where the warranty repair is to be performed.