Lubrication Recommendations
Oil and Filter Change - ATP 500 4x4
8. Place shop towels beneath
the oil filter. Using an oil
filter wrench, turn the filter
(1) counterclockwise and
9. Lubricate the gasket on the
new filter with a film of
new engine oil. C heck to
make sure the gasket is in
good condition. Also make
sure the gasket from the old
filter i s not still on the engine.
10. Install the new filter and tighten by hand 1/2 to 3/4 turn after
gasket contacts the engine.
11. Approximately one cup of engine oil will remain in the crankcase.
To drain, remove the drain plug on the lower right side of the
crankcase. NOTE: The sealing surfaces on the drain plug and
crankcase should be clean and free of burrs, nicks or scratches.
12. After draining, reinstall the drain plug.
13. Remove the dipstick (2) and add two quarts (1.9 l.) of Polaris
Premium 4 synthetic oil. Reinstall the dipstick. NOTE: If the
sump is not drained, add about 1 3/4 quarts initially.
14. Place the gear selector in park and set the parking brake.
15. Start the engine and let it idle for one to two minutes. Stop the
engine and inspect for leaks.
16. Recheck the oil level on the dipstick and add oil as necessary to
bring the level to the upper (full) mark on the dipstick.
17. Dispose of used filter and oil properly.