Malfunction Indicator Troubleshooting Guide
The malfunction codes will blink on the controller. The code definitions provided here are
for informational purposes only.
Tip: If the indicator illuminates due to a minor issue such as a low voltage condition or a sequence fault
(reversing direction without releasing the accelerator, turning the key on while in forward or
reverse), select neutral and turn the key off and on to clear the error. If the error does not clear,
please see your GEM dealer for diagnosis and repair.
Charge Status Indicator Troubleshooting Guide
The code definitions provided are for informational purposes only. Please see your GEM
dealer for diagnosis and repair.
# of Blinks Code Definition
1 Data or configuration error
2 Sequence fault
3 Power fault
4 Contactor issue
6 Throttle input error
7 Voltage protection
8 Controller or motor out of temperature range
13 Software fault
# of
Code Definition Solution
1 Battery high voltage Check battery size and condition; reset
charger (interrupt AC power for 15 seconds)
2 Battery low voltage
3 Charge time-out, battery pack not reaching
required voltage, charger output reduced
due to high temperatures
Check connections; operate charger at
lower ambient temperature
4 Battery could not be trickle-charged to
minimum voltage
Check battery for shorted or damaged cells
5 Charger shut down due to overheating Ensure sufficient cooling air flow (remove
the seat) and reset the charger (interrupt AC
power for 15 seconds)
6 Charger internal fault Reset charger (interrupt AC power for 15
seconds); return to qualified service
provider if fault persists