Check Before Starting the Engine
Worn, damaged, or malfunctioning components may cause
serious injury or death. Before starting the engine, check all
components to be sure o f proper operation.
Read and Understand Your Owner ’s Manual
Read the Owner’s Manual completely and refer to it often. The manual
is your guide to safe and enjoyable snowmobiling experience.
n T h rottle Lever
The throttle and brake are the primary controls of your snowmobile.
Always make sure both are functioning properly.
Squeeze the throttle lever to make sure it compresses evenly and
smoothly. When released, the lever should immediately return to the
idle position without binding or hesitation. If the throttle does not
function smoothly, or if you discover excessive lever freeplay, DO
NOT start the engine. Have the throttle serviced immediately.
n T h rottle Safety Switch
Test the throttle safety switch system before the snowmobile is
operated. See page 80 for procedure.
n Seat Latches
Ensure that the seat latches a re securely in place before every use of the