
S Avoid operating the ATV through deep or fast flowing water. If you cannot avoid water
which exceeds t he recommended maximum depth (pg. 112), go slowly, bala nce your
weight carefully avoiding sudden movements, maintain a slow and steady forward mo-
tion, do not make sudden turns or stops, and do not make sudden throttle changes.
S Wet brakes may have reduced stopping ability. Test your brakes after leaving water. If
necessary apply them lightly several times to let friction dry out the pads.
S Always use the size and type tires specified in this manual. Always maintain proper tire
pressure as described in this manual.
S Never modify an ATV through improper installation or use of accessories.
S Never exceed the stated load capacity for an ATV.
S Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use to prevent unauthorized
use or accidental starting.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ATV SAFETY, call t he Consumer Product Safety
Commission at 1-800-638-2772, or Polaris at 1-800-342-3764.