Operator Safety
Make sure your RANGER is in excellent oper ating condition at all
times. We strongly recommend that the operator check all s afety
components before eac h ride.
Polaris RANGERs are designed to provide s afe operation when
used as directed. Failure of critical m achine components may
result from operation with any modifications, especially those that
increase speed or power . The RA NGER may become
aerodynamically unstable at speeds higher than those for which it
is designed. Loss of control may occur at higher speeds.
Modifications may also create a safety haz ard and lead to bodily
Do not make any m odifications to your RA NGER.
Equipment Modifications
We are concerned for the safety of our customers and for the general
public. Therefore, we strongly recommend that consumers do not
install on a Polaris RANGER any equipment that m ay increase the
speed or power of the vehicle, or make any other modifications to the
vehicle for these purposes. Any modifications to the original
equipment o f the v ehicle create a s ubstantial s afety hazard and increase
the risk of bodily injury.
The warranty on your Polaris RANGER is terminated if any equipment
has been added to the vehicle, or if any modifications have been made
to the vehicle, t hat increase its speed or power.
NOTE: The addition of certain accessories, including (but not limited
to) mowers, blades, tires, sprayers, or large racks, may
change the handling c haracteristics of the v ehicle. Use only
Polaris-approved ac cessories, and familiarize yourself with
their function and effect on the vehicle.