Periodic Maintenance Chart
Ź Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use.
E Emission-Related Service
D Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.
Item Maintenance Interval
(whichever comes first)
Hours Calendar Miles
Ź Radiator (if
100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; clean external
Ź Cooling Hoses 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect for leaks
Ź Engine mounts 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect
Exhaust muffler/
100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect
D Ignition timing 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect
Ź Wiring 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect for wear, routing,
security; apply dielectric
grease to connectors
subjected to water, mud, etc.
D Clutches (drive
and driven)
100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; clean; replace worn
Drive belt 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as needed
D Front wheel
100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as needed
D Brake fluid 200 H 24 M 2000 (3200) Change every two years
Spark arrester 300 H 36 M 3000 (4800) Clean out
Idle speed - Adjust as needed
D Toe adjustment - Inspect periodically; adjust
when parts are replaced
Headlight aim - Adjust as needed