Battery Charging (Sealed Battery)
For a refresh charge, follow all instructions carefully.
1. Check the battery voltage with a voltmeter or multimeter. A fully
charged battery will register 12.8 V or higher.
2. If the voltage is less than 12.8 volts, recharge the battery.
NOTE: When using an a utomatic char ger, refer to the charger
manufacturer’s instructions for recharging. When using a constant
current charger, use the following guidelines for recharging.
NOTE: Always verify battery condition before and 1-2 hours after the
end of charging.
State of
Voltage Action Charge Time*
(Using constant current
charger @ standard amps
specified on top of battery)
100% 12.8-13.0 volts None, check at
3 mos. from date of
None required
75%-100% 12.5-12.8 volts May need slight
charge, if no
charge given,
check in 3 months
3-6 hours
50%-75% 12.0-12.5 volts Needs Charge 5-11 hours
25%-50% 11.5-12.0 volts Needs Charge At least 13 hours,
verify state of charge
0%-25% 11.5 volts or less Needs Charge At least 2 0 hours
An overheated battery could explode, causing severe injury or
death. Always watch charging times c arefully. Stop charging if the
battery becomes very war m to the touch. Allow it to cool before
resuming charging.