Headlight Lamp Replacement - Trail Blazer
1. Remove the front cover and unplug the light harness.
2. Remove the rubber cap from the back of the headlight to reveal the
retention screw.
3. Remove the small phillips head screw, and carefully remove the
bulb from the housing.
4. Apply dielectric grease to the light bulb socket before installing the
new bulb. Insert the new bulb into the housing and reinstall the
retention screw. Reinstall the rubber cap.
5. Reconnect the light harness and reinstall the cover.
6. Adjust the headlight aim if necessary.
Headlight Adjustment - Trail Blazer
1. Position the vehicle on
a level surface with the
headlight approximately
25 ft. (7.6 m) from a
flat wall.
2. Measure the distance
from the floor to the
center of the headlight
and make a mark o n the
wall at the same height.
3. Start the engine and
turn on the headlight.
4. Observe the headlight
aim on the wall. The most intense part of the headlight beam
should be aimed 8” (20.3 cm) below the mark placed on the wall.
NOTE: Include rider weight on the seat when measuring.
5. Adjust the beam to the desired position by turning the adjustment
screws (1):
S Turning the right screw clockwise moves the intense spot of light up
S Turning the left screw clockwise moves the intense spot of the light
up and to the right.
S Turning the bottom screw clockwise adjusts the light upward.