• Always use the size and type tires specified in this manual. Always maintain proper
tire pressure as described in this manual.
• Never modify an ATV through improper installation or use of accessories.
• Neverexceed the stated load capacity foran ATV. Cargo should be properlydistrib-
uted and securely attached. Reduce speed and follow instructions in this manual
for carrying cargo. Allow greater distance for braking.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ATV SAFETY, call the Consumer Product Safe-
ty Commission at 1-800-638-2772, or Polaris at 1-800-342-3764.
Additional Important Information...
Due to our concern for the safety of our customers and the general public, Polaris
hereby strongly recommends and requests that consumers not have installed on a
Polaris ATV any equipment which is intended to increase the speed or power of the
vehicle; or make any other modifications to the vehicle for these purposes. Any modi-
fications to the original equipment of the ATV substantially increase the risk of bodily
injury. Please be aware that these modifications may create asubstantial safety haz-