Light Switches
The light switch is located on the
left h a ndlebar (1). It’s used to turn
the lights on and off and to switch
the lights from HI to LO on models
equipped with HI-LO beams.
NOTE: The lights won’t work
unless the key is in the “on”
position and the shut-off switch is
in the “run” position.
Check the brake fluid level in the master cylinder before each use of
the ATV. The master cylinder (2) is located on the left handlebar.
The fluid level can be seen through an indicator window (3) on the top
of the master cylinder. This “eye” will appear dark when the fluid
level is full. When fluid needs to be added, the eye will be clear.
NOTE: When checking the fluid level, the ATV must be on level
ground with the handlebars straight. If the fluid level is low add DOT 3
brake fluid only. See page 141 for the part numbers of
Polaris-recommended products.
Operating the ATV on streets or roads, e specially in darkness, could
result in an accident and serious injur y or death.
Your ATV is not equipped with highway-approved lights. It’s
designed for and must be used for off-road use only. Use caution
and drive at reduced speeds in conditions of reduced visibility such
as fog, rain and darkness.
After opening a bottle of brake fluid, always discard any unused
portion. Never store or use a partial bottle. Brake fluid is
hygroscopic, meaning it rapidly abs orbs moisture from the air. The
moisture causes the boiling temperature of the brake fluid to drop,
which can lead to early brake fade and the possibility of accident or
severe injury.