
Clutch System
Periodically inspect the clutch sheaves for damage, wear, or belt resi-
due. To maintain optimum performance, clean with non-oil based clean-
ers such as isopropyl alcohol.
NOTICE: If you become aware of higher than normal clutch engagement or an
unusual vibration or shift pattern, see your dealer immediately. Do not
operate the machine until repairs have been made. All clutch mainte-
nance and repairs must be performed by an authorized Polaris dealer.
Any unauthorized modifications to clutches, such as adding or remov-
ing weights, will void the warranty.
The bushings in the weights and rollers of Polaris clutches are made
of a material that may be damaged if lubricated. Do not lubricate
clutch bushings.
Clutch Alignment Offset
Clutch alignment offset is important for maintaining optimum perfor-
mance. Please see your Polaris dealer if you experience a decrease in
Clutch Center Distance
See your Owner's Manual Supplement for recommended center distance
for your machine. If adjustment is necessary, see your dealer.