
Endpoint and Peripheral Management Operations
Polycom, Inc. 175
To edit an endpoint in the CMA system
1 Go to Endpoint > Monitor View
2 As needed, use the Filter to customize the endpoint list.
3 Select the endpoint of interest and click Edit .
4 As required, edit the Identification, Addresses, and Capabilities
sections of the Edit Device dialog box. For more information, see “View
Device Details” on page 166.
Note that many fields in this dialog box are ASCII only.
5 Click Update.
Delete an Endpoint
To delete an endpoint from the CMA system
1 Go to Endpoint > Monitor View
2 As needed, use the Filter to customize the endpoint list.
3 Select the endpoint of interest and click Delete.
4 Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The Endpoint list is updated.
Editing information for an endpoint on the CMA system does not change the
information in the endpoint. To make changes in the endpoint information, use
Provisioning or change it at the endpoint interface. Note that for managed
endpoints, the endpoint may overwrite settings entered manually.
If your gatekeeper registration policy allows endpoints to register automatically with
the CMA system (that is, a gatekeeper setting of Allow Registration of All
Endpoints or Allow Registration of Endpoints in Defined Sites or Allow
Registration of Predefined Prefixes Only) an endpoint that you delete may
re-appear in the Endpoint list.