All the faults are displayed in order of importance; if several faults occur simultaneously, the rst to be displa-
yed is the one with highest priority. After the cause of the rst fault has been removed, the second one will
be displayed, and so on.
If any given fault occurs frequently, contact the authorised Service Centre.
Fault code Fault description action required
E10 outdoor temperature probe sensor failure call the authorised service centre.
E20 ntc output sensor failure call the authorised service centre
E40 NTC return heating probe faulty call the authorised service centre
E50 domestic hot water ntc sensor failure call the authorised service centre
Safety or fumes thermostat or heating return
temperature probe tripped
press the reset key (for about 2 seconds: if this device is triggered
repeatedly, call the authorised service centre)
E111 Delivery temperature higher than 95°C If this fault persists, call the authorised service centre
Loss of ame during operation (the ionization current
has fallen below the limit)
Call an authorised service centre.
E129 Minimum fan speed limit is hurt Call an authorised service centre.
E132 oor thermostat tripped call the authorised service centre
E133 no gas
press the reset key (for about 2 seconds); if the fault persists,
call the authorised service centre)
E151 boiler circuit board error
Press the reset button if the display presents the ( ) symbol,
otherwise switch off the boiler at the mains and switch it on again
after 10 seconds. If the fault persists, call an authorised service
centre. Check the position of the ignition electrodes (chapter 17).
E153 the reset key has been pressed inappropriately press the key again (about 2 seconds)
No circulation or reverse flow call the authorised service centre
E160 fan speed threshold not reached call the authorised service centre.
E164 no hydraulic pressure switch enabling signal
check that the system is at the rated pressure. (refer to the
section on lling the system). if the fault persists, call the
authorised service centre.