W ARNING! This chain
saw can b e da ngerous! Care-
less or improper use can cause
serious or even fatal injury.
Read and understand the
instruction manual before
using the chain saw.
Always use two hands when operating the chain saw.
WARNING! Contacting the guide bar tip with any object
should be avoided; tip contact m ay cause the guide bar to
move suddenlyupward andbackward, whichmay causese-
rious injury.
Alwayswearappropriate earprotection,eyeprotectionand headprotection.
Measured maximum kickback value withoutchain brake for thebar
and chain combination on the label.
Move ON/STOP switch to
the ON position.
Slowly press primer bulb
Pull the starter rope
sharply 5 times with your
right hand.
Pull the starter rope sharply
with your right hand until
the engine starts.
Pull choke/fast idle lever
out to the full extent (to
the FULL CHOKE posi-
Push the choke/fast idle
lever in to the HALF
CHOKE position.
Starting Reminder
WARNING: Always disconnect
spark plug wire and place wire where it can-
not contact spark plug to prevent accidental
starting when setting up, tr ansporting, ad-
justing or m aking repairs except carburetor
Because a chain saw is a high-speed wood-
cutting tool, special safety precautions must
be observed to reduce the risk of accidents.
Careless or improper use of this tool can
cause serious injury.
S Read this manual carefully until you com-
pletely understand and can follow all safety
rules, pr ecautions, and op erating instruc-
tions before attempting to use the unit.
S Restrict the u se of your saw to adult users
who u nderstand and can follow safety
rules, precautions, and operating instruc-
tions found in this manual.
S Wear protective gear. Always use steel-
toed safety footwear with non-slip soles;
snug-fitting clothing; safety chaps; heavy-