S Inspect entire unit before each use. Replace
damaged parts. Check for fuel leaks. Make
sure all fasteners are in place and securely
S Maintain unit according torecommended pro-
ced u r e s.
S Use only recommended Poulan PRO®
parts and accessories. Never use wire,
wire rope, string, flailing devices, etc.
S Be sure chain stops moving w hen engine
MENTS section of powerhead manual).
S Keep others away when making carburetor
S Never start the unit with theclutch housingre-
moved. The clutch can fly offand cause seri-
ous inj ury.
S Keep the handles driy , clean, and free of oil or
fuel mixture.
S Keep fuel andoil caps, screws, and fasteners
securely tightened.
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained inthis manual performedby anautho-
rized service dealer.
S Donot operatea prunerwith onehand. Se-
rious injury to the operator, helpers, by-
standers or any combination of these per-
sons may result from one-handed
operation. A pruner is intended for two-
handed use.
S Operate the pruner only in a well-ventilated
outdoor a rea.
S Do not operate pruner from a l adder or in a
S Do not use a pruner to cut down trees or any
portion of the t ree trunk.
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches
overhead notgreater than4 inches (10cm)
in diameter.
S Never stand und er the limb you a re pruning.
Always position yourself out of the path of fal-
ling debris.
S Do not cut small brush and saplings w ith the
pruner. S lender matter may catch inthechain
and be whipped toward you, pulling you of f
S Make sure the chain will not make contact
with any object while starting the engine.
Never try to start the unit when the guide
bar is in a cut.
S Do not put pressure on the pruner at the end
of the cut. Applying pr essure can cause you
to lose control when the cut is c ompleted.
S Do not run the u nit at high speed when not
S If you strike o r become entangled with a for-
eign object, stop the engine immediately and
check for damage. Have any damage re-
paired by an authorized service dealer before
attem pting further operations.
S Do not operate a pruner that is damaged, im-
properly adjusted, or not completely and se-
curely assembled. Always replace bar and
chain immediately if it becomes damaged,
broken or is otherwise r emoved.
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed or
when walking from one cutting location to
another. Stop the engine before setting the
unit down.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual (or
manuals fo r optional attachments).
WARNING: Avoid kickback which
can r esult in serious injury. Kickback is the
backward, upward or sudden forward motion
of the guide bar occurring when the chain
near the upper tip of the guide bar contacts
any object such as a log or branch, or when
the wood closes in and pinches t he chain in
the cut. Contacting a foreign object in the
wood can also result in loss of control.
S Rotational Kickback can occur when the
moving chain contacts an object at the upper
tip of the guide b ar . This contact can cause
the chain to dig into the ob ject, which stops
the chain f or an instant. T he r esult is a light-
ning fast, reverse reaction which kicks the
guide bar u p and back toward t he operator .
S Pinch-Kickbackcanoccur whenthewood
closes in and pinches the moving chain in
thecutalongthetopoftheguidebar andthe
chain is suddenly stopped. This sudden
stopping ofthe chain results ina reversalof
the chain force used to cut wood and
causes the pruner to move in the opposite
directionof thechain rotation.The pruneris
driven straight back toward the operator.
S Pull-In can occur when the moving chain
contacts aforeignobject inthe woodin thecut
along the bottom of the guide bar and the
chain is suddenly stopped. This sudden stop-
ping pulls the pruner f orward and away f rom
the operator and could easily cause the oper-
ator to lose control o f the pr uner .
S Recognizethat kickback canhappen. With
abasic understandingofkickback, youcan
reduce the element of surprise which con-
tributes to accidents.
S Never let the moving chain contact any ob-
ject at the tip of the guide bar.
S Keep the working area free f rom obstruc-
tions suchas othertrees, branches,rocks,
stumps, etc. Eliminate or avoid any
obstruction that your chain c ould hit while
you are cutting. When cutting a branch, do
notlet theguidebar contactbranch orother
objects around it.
S Keep your chain sharp and properly ten-
sioned. A loose or dull chain can increase
the chance of kickback occurring. Follow
manufacturer’ s chain sharpening and
maintenance instructions. Check tension
atregularintervals withthe enginestopped,
never with the engine running. Make sure
thebar clampnutis securely tightenedafter
tensioning the chain.
S Begin and continue cutting at full speed. If
thechainis movingat aslowerspeed,there
is greater chance of kickback occurring.
S Cut one branch at a time.